La collezione Arte&Arte
alla Torre delle Arti di Bellagio
alla Torre delle Arti di Bellagio
Arte&Arte is a no-profit Cultural Association, founded by Nazzarena Bortolaso and Mimmo Totaro.
The collection Arte&Arte is composed by small dimension artworks called also minitextiles, that cannot be bigger than 20 cm a side. It is an overview on the developments, during the last three decades, in the field of contemporary international textile art. Every year since 1991, the cultural association Arte&Arte organizes the contemporary fiber art exhibition Miniartextil, and the purchasing of the artworks for the Collection is frequently made on the selection already done for the show. The collection today encludes more that 54 artworks, and has been showed in prestigious venues, such as the Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo in Venice (2006-2007), and in Kaunas, Lithuania, in the frame of TEXTILE 07 (2007-2008).
Torre delle Arti
Salita Plinio, 21 Bellagio (CO)
12 settembre dal 13 al 24 settembre 2014
Orari: tutti i giorni 10/13 - 14/17
Sabato sera 21/22.30
Torre delle Arti
Salita Plinio, 21 Bellagio (CO)
12 settembre dal 13 al 24 settembre 2014
Orari: tutti i giorni 10/13 - 14/17
Sabato sera 21/22.30
30. September bis 16. Dezember 2014
Liste der ausgewählten Werke:
Die Eröffnung der Biennale ist am 30. September 2014 um 15.00 Uhr im Nantong 1895 Creative Cultural Industry Park.
Seit 2000 besteht die Biennale 14 Jahre Jahre lang und hat sich seitdem zu einem der grössten Textilkunstereignisse in der Welt entwickelt. Für die 8th Biennale wurden aus 655 eingereichten Kunstwerke 186 Werke ausgewählt. 75 Werke von chinesischen Künstlern und 111 Werken von Künstlern aus anderen Ländern.
Since 2000, "From Lausanne to Beijing", international fiber art exhibition has been held for 7 sessions which has come through 14 years. It has gradually become an international well-known brand whith a development pattern of popularization, socialization and internationalization. Among the exhibitions, the 7th biennale held in Nantong became the world`s largest fiber art exhibition with more than 800 sign up works from 37 countries and more than 5000 square meters of exhibition space. In 2014, with the invitation of the Nantong government, the 8th biennale will still be held in 1895 creative cultural industry parc in Nantong China
3:00 Pm,September 30,2014
1895 Creative Cultural Industry Park, Nantong, China
Hosted by:
1895 Creative Cultural Industry Park, Nantong, China
Hosted by:
Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
People's government of Nantong
Fiber Art Committee, China Arts & Crafts Association
Fiber art institute of China National Academy of Paintin
People's government of Nantong
Fiber Art Committee, China Arts & Crafts Association
Fiber art institute of China National Academy of Paintin